


Students who are not admitted to the University may submit an appeal through 本科招生. Students who are admitted to the University but not to a specific college may submit an appeal directly to the college.


向E呼吁.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院

呼吁媒体艺术学院 & 研究




Students who are not initially admitted to the University may appeal the admission decision by sending a request for reconsideration to admissions@俄亥俄州.edu. 这条信息应引起史密斯博士的注意. 马特奥Remsburg, assistant vice president for enrollment management and executive director of 本科招生.

在消息正文中, the student should indicate why he or she believes that the admission decision should be reconsidered. 一般, successful appeals present new information or offer clarity that was not available at the time of the original decision. Applicants are encouraged to submit any new supporting documentation that may strengthen the request. It is helpful to include a list of the items that 本科招生 should expect to receive in advance of making a decision on the appeal.

如果申请人打算提交新的成绩单或考试成绩, 他们应该通过学校或测试机构正式发送. 在某些情况下, schools provide term grade reports when a revised full transcript will not be available. Examples of other documentation that could be submitted directly might include any of the following:

  • A personal essay explaining the applicant's academic preparation to succeed at 俄亥俄州.
  • 推荐信, especially from counselors and/or teachers who can speak first-hand about the student's academic preparation.
  • 课外活动、荣誉和奖励清单. 家长/监护人可以提交补充支持信, but 本科招生 can review only those requests for reconsideration that are written by the applicant.

如果拒绝决定是由学生主任审查程序决定的, a request for reconsideration not only should include any available updated academic information, but also should present information regarding the applicant's disciplinary record that was not available at the time of the original decision. Appeal materials should fully disclose the context and details of the offense that precipitated a DOS review.

Appeals are reviewed on a rolling basis, with decisions rendered approximately twice a month. 上诉决定为终局决定. Applicants may reapply to a future entry term but should present new information.

Applicants appealing the admissions decision are encouraged to submit their appeal materials by the priority date of April 1. 在此日期之后,上诉将在可用空间的基础上予以审议.

向E呼吁.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院

被大学录取但未被E录取的学生.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院 may appeal the decision without risking University admission. A faculty committee conducts review of appeal materials, which should include:

正式要求复审的书面上诉信. The letter should address admission criteria and discuss why the applicant feels his or her credentials should be reassessed. The applicant should detail contributions he or she would bring to the School, 包括任何个人或专业经验. Please note that, in the tradition of sound journalism, the School seeks fact rather than persuasion.

一篇不超过三篇的论文, 两倍行距的页面上的问题“如何参加E.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院 help you serve your community in the spirit of social responsibility?"


雅典,OH, 45701


Applicants appealing the admissions decision are encouraged to submit their appeal materials by the priority date of April 1. 在此日期之后,上诉将在可用空间的基础上予以审议.

呼吁媒体艺术学院 & 研究

Students who are admitted to the university but who are not admitted to the School of 媒体艺术 & 学生可以在不被大学录取的情况下对该决定提出上诉. A faculty committee conducts review of appeals materials, which should include:

正式要求复审的书面上诉信. The letter should address admission criteria and discuss why the applicant feels his or her credentials should be reassessed. The applicant should detail contributions he or she would bring to the School, 包括任何个人或专业经验.

一篇不超过三篇的论文, double-spaced pages to the question "Why does attending the School of 媒体艺术 & 研究 meet your academic goals now and your professional goals after graduation?"

媒体艺术 & 研究申诉材料应发送至:

媒体艺术 & 研究上诉
雅典,OH, 45701

主题:媒体艺术 & 其他考虑

Applicants appealing the admissions decision are encouraged to submit their appeal materials by the priority date of April 1. 在此日期之后,上诉将在可用空间的基础上予以审议.


Students who are admitted to the University but who are not admitted to the Russ College of Engineering and Technology and who feel that their application was not an accurate reflection of their capabilities may choose to appeal without risking University admission by submitting the following materials:

A written statement explaining why the applicant should be admitted into the Russ College. 这可能包括为什么学生准备“为善而创造”."

在初步审查时无法获得的任何其他资料. 这可能包括更新成绩单,显示更高的GPA, 新的标准化考试成绩, 推荐信, 等.

Most successful appeals show additional evidence of a student's academic preparation, 包括在数学和科学方面的优异成绩.


雅典,OH, 45701


罗斯学院的申诉材料也可以通过电子邮件提交到 admissions@俄亥俄州.edu 主题是“罗斯学院额外考虑”." To ensure that your appeal is not reviewed until we have everything you wish to include, 一定要列出我们预计会收到的额外信息.

Applicants appealing the admissions decision are encouraged to submit their appeal materials by the priority date of April 1. 在此日期之后,上诉将在可用空间的基础上予以审议.


Students who are admitted to the University but who are not admitted to the College of Business may appeal the decision without risking University admission.

说明你为什么应该被商学院录取. Please help us to better understand your potential as a student and future leader. These are examples only; feel free to be creative. 提交尽可能多(或尽可能少)的这些项目,你想.

文章. 作为一个大学, 我们重视具有高潜力和天赋的学生, and we are looking for students with ambition who will be involved in extracurricular activities at the College of Business during their academic career. Use your essay to tell us more about who you are and who you plan to become through the College of Business. You can address admission criteria and discuss why you feel your credentials should be reassessed for admission. 你可以详细说明你对学校的贡献, including any personal and/or professional experiences that make your application extraordinary.

课外活动和工作经历. List, in order of importance to you, the activities (school, community, sports, work, 等.) that you feel have been your most significant since the beginning of your freshman year. 注明你参加的年份, 获得职位和荣誉, 谈谈你的主要成就.

更新的成绩和/或考试成绩. 请附上你参加ACT/SAT考试的完整日期列表. You can also reference an updated official transcript that will be sent from your high school, 表现出强势的高三.


雅典,OH, 45701



Applicants appealing the admissions decision are encouraged to submit their appeal materials by the priority date of April 1. 在此日期之后,上诉将在可用空间的基础上予以审议.