Graduate Student Conference (Grad Con) 2024

A banner displays the words Grad Con around the Graduate Student Senate logo, which is a circle with the words "Graduate Student Senate" and a University building embedded inside.The bottom of the banner indicates thee date of the Conference, February 23, 2024.

***REGISTRATION for Grad Con 2024 is now closed***

Thank you for joining us in this unique opportunity to connect with and gain insights from leaders across diverse fields, build meaningful connections with fellow graduate students, acquire essential professional skills, and discover valuable resources for success in Graduate School.

Grad Con 2024 Conference Program

***The Call for Submissions is now closed***

The Graduate Student Senate is delighted to invite you to submit a proposal for the 2nd Annual Graduate Student Conference (Grad Con) on February 23, 2024. This year’s conference will be an opportunity to explore new and exciting topics in leadership and graduate life while connecting with professionals and leaders in various fields. We invite you to contribute your expertise and insights to make this conference a valuable and engaging event.

Participating in the conference will give you an invaluable opportunity for personal and professional development. Beyond adding to your resumé or CV, you will have the opportunity to practice presentation skills by sharing your research and/or knowledge with graduate students from diverse academic backgrounds. Presenting your own research in our Research & Academia Talks or Poster Presentation sessions can also be a good way to prepare for upcoming conferences or share research you’ve recently presented at a conference. We hope you choose to submit your work to this year’s Grad Con to help strengthen the Ohio University Graduate Community!

The convention submissions are open for three areas:

Grad Life Workshops:

This section of the conference is designated to workshops for balancing academic, campus, and social life (i.e., navigating the hectic life of a graduate student). This section allows for various workshops, such as strategies and tools for stress relief, well-being, academic success, and personal health. However, feel free to submit innovative sessions we have not listed in our descriptions. We encourage workshops that are hands-on and engaging. Sessions are 25 minutes long, including questions and discussion.

Poster Presentations:

This section of the conference is designated to poster presentations focused on your research in your program at Ohio University. We are encouraging research posters from all programs at Ohio University. Feel free to use this session to practice for conferences you are attending in the future (or your presentation at the Student Expo) or use this as an opportunity to share your research with graduate students outside your study area. We encourage you to stand next to your poster during the session and prepare an elevator talk that follows your poster. There can be a maximum of two presenters per poster. Awards will be given out to poster presenters at the end-of-convention celebration. The session will last 50 minutes.

Research & Academia Talks:

This section of the conference is designated to research and academic talks focused on your research in your program at Ohio University. We are encouraging discussions from all programs at Ohio University. Feel free to use this session to practice for conferences you are attending in the future or use this as an opportunity to share your research with graduate students outside of your area of study. We encourage talks that are directed to a broad audience with a diverse set of knowledge. Sessions are 10 minutes long with an included 2-3 minutes for Question & Answer.

You may apply to participate in multiple sessions (e.g., research & academic talks and the poster session); however, you must complete the application separately for each application.

Please remember that in addition to some general information, the proposal submission form requires, 

Grad Life Workshops 

- Abstract (100-500 words)

- Objectives (100-500 words)

Research Posters

- Abstract for Program (300 characters or less with spaces)

- Abstract (500 words or less)

Research & Academia Talks

- Abstract for Program (300 characters or less with spaces):

- Abstract (500 words or less)


Submissions are open until 11:59pm on December 22nd, 2023. Please contact Kelsey Kayton, or with questions regarding your submission.