


Over 50 faculty and staff attended the 教、学、评中心’s fall 2023 kickoff, “教导被打乱的学习者.” Presentations and panels included in the half-day workshop reviewed the documented effects of over two years of remote instruction during the COVID pandemic, 包括学生上大学的准备, 参与技能和课堂期望.

教师, administrators and students shared successful instructional strategies and resources to support current, 即将到来的和未来的newbb电子平台学生.


CTLA Associate Director for 教师 Programming Jeremy Henkel and Academic Achievement Center Director Elizabeth Fallon provided context for the discussion.

汉高在2022年指出了这一点, the National Center for Education Statistics reported on student academic performance across subjects, showing a 26% of 8th graders proficient in math, 31%的学生精通阅读. 在俄亥俄州, 学生们的成绩提高了2分, 但2023年的指标, following an extended period of remote learning, show students learning at a slower pace than pre-pandemic.

除了, 他说, “学生们还没有学会如何学习,” and many arrive without the study and time management strategies faculty may have expected in the past. 他们也可能缺乏自给自足, having externalized responsibility and expecting a concierge model of education.

They arrive having experienced a “blurred line between education and media consumption,他解释道, which challenges classroom engagement and ability to effectively utilize resources for deep learning. 最后, Henkel pointed out that more than 80% of students reported emotional or mental health challenges that affected academic performance. Of these, 35% said they would talk to a faculty member about their challenges. 80% of fculty reported dealing with student mental health challenges.

法伦也承认这些挑战, 注意到近3,000 students attended took advantage of at least one AAC service this past spring semester. 14% of undergraduate students and 25% of first-year students accessed the AAC in the spring. The three main catetories of services include peer tutoring, 补充指导和学术指导.

AAC is responding to the disruption by hosting over 100 Rufus Ready sessions during the first week of the fall semester, 突出支持资源, include mini-success sessions for low-success rate courses, provide technology overviews and review resources for remediation of certain skillsets.

A panel including three 2022-23 teaching award winning faculty and key administrators offered advice and lessons learned for supporting students.



莎拉•Poggione 本科教育副教务长

"While the effects of the pandemic on learning are likely to with us for a number of years, the actions we take now can help all disrupted learners including students experiencing significant life events or personal challenges, 成人学习者, students with varying access to of educational and other resources, students with less familiarity with higher education, as well as those whose primary and secondary school experiences were alerted by the pandemic.  This is an opportunity to be more intentional about what our entire academic community have always done well, 帮助我们的学生取得成功.  我们可以重新考虑如何学习课程, but we can also think about changes in our academic programs, 政策, and practices to help our students make progress and achieve their goals."


Kathy Fahl 教务长

  • Students see faculty as a resource for mental health and well-being issues. 考虑包含关于的信息 辅导及心理服务 在你们的课程材料中. 
  • Consider thoughtful deadlines that prioritize things like sleep. 作业的截止时间是晚上11点59分.m.,学生将牺牲睡眠. Instead, make course assignments due earlier in the evening.
  • If you see behaviors of concern such as stopped attending class, 行为的改变, 在无助感中挣扎, 或者在作业中加入令人担忧的内容, 提交CARE转介 通过学生主任办公室.


埃德蒙, 英语副教授

  • Model what it means to be a student and part of a classroom community; model how to navigate your course (and materials); and articulate the rationales that go into the class, 作业, 以及整个课程的结果. Effort and enthusiam go a long way and might even be contagious.  
  • Be kind and compassionate not only to the students but to yourself; compassion isn't always putting on a happy face; clear boundaries and even a healthy dose of negative affect is also good teaching and mentoring.


Ryan Fogt 地理及气象学教授

  • Find creative ways to engage students in the class
  • Help students to apply content learned frequently in and out of class
  • 对学生平易近人


丹尼尔·费尼, 教育学助理教授

  • Utilize the Universal Design for 学习 framework in all courses. Analyze and address the ways in which your instruction creates barriers to learning.
  • Focus on knowing and growing your students holistically, not just academically. Ensure this is reciprocal; learn and grow from their expertise as well.
  • 停止评估合规性. Make sure you are assessing student learning and progress. 


秋季开学典礼还包括一个学生小组. 这些是他们最重要的教学建议.

  • 让内容可见

    Upload slides, or some other form of teaching notes, to 黑板上. It enables students to review the lesson after class and fill in gaps in their understanding.

  • 确保接触

    Structure class time so that students have the opportunity to discuss topics with one another. This helps them remain engaged during class and deepen their understanding of the material covered. Encourage everyone to talk during class or to contribute to online discussion boards. They appreciate learning about their classmates’ perspectives. 

  • 涉及每个人

    Encourage everyone to talk during class or to contribute to online discussion boards. They appreciate learning about their classmates’ perspectives. 

  • 沟渠技术(有时)

    Include some assignments that can be completed without electronic devices. 屏幕疲劳是真实存在的.